July 28, 2013

A Step Ahead for De-notified communities of India

Today I was watching video of The Idea Caravan and I inspired by the video of Mittal Patel, really she is doing great job for De-notified tribes. I can’t believe in 21st century still in India there are many places where people don’t have their own existence.  They don’t have houses to live they don’t have their identity. They people used to wander here and there. As I know Gujarat is most developed state is in India, but still there also people are struggling for their presence. 

Govt. is creating new rules like ‘The wild life protection Act’.  But before creating these acts Govt. has to think about peoples who are depends on wild animals to play a show by wild animals like Snake, Beer, Monkey and surviving their life. These communities don’t have any other business and they are not educated as well so they can start other business. So first Govt. has to come to educate those communities and has to give their identity as well as some business. So they can also survive their life as normal people no need to wander here to there.

Some communities’ peoples have a tradition that girls will not get married and they will do the business of prostitution to survive. I am wondering why Govt. doesn’t take an action for those communities to settle their life by educating them and providing them good business so they will involve in new generation business like normal peoples.

I am thankful to the Mittal Patel, who initiated a step ahead for those communities to make them educated and getting their identity and presence.

I think Govt. should have special plan or budget for such kind of communities / groups or people.
If Govt. didn’t do anything for those communities the gap between these communities and normal peoples will increase rapidly. 

Franklin Templeton Investments partnered the TEDxGateway Mumbai in December 2012.


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